Join Forces


Education is most effective when the entire community, including parents and school members, work together to ensure their students have the skills to succeed in college, the workplace, and beyond.

Likewise, our students are most successful when they work together with industry partners on real-world projects that address today’s real-world challenges.

What do PPHS Partners do?

To become a PPHS Partner, contact

  • When you open your business to students, you open their minds.

    This hands-on experience is one of the cornerstones of the Purdue Polytechnic model. Through internships with local businesses, students gain an early glimpse into career opportunities and become proficient in the concepts they learn in the classroom.

  • Guide students as they navigate the Purdue Polytechnic curriculum.

    Industry mentors help students choose fields of study, understand the opportunities and challenges ahead, and support the student’s transition from high school to post-secondary education or the workforce.

  • Bring out the best in your own organization.

    Our community partners introduce real-world challenges to our students, provide guidance on project prototypes, serve as panelists for student presentations, and provide feedback on project pitches

  • Visit our Donation Page

    Each investment you make strengthens your community, enables the success of our high school model, and fosters ingenuity and creativity from our students and teachers.

PPHS Partner Newsletter

Learn how PPHS partners participate in connecting our students to incredible opportunities.