College and
Career Corner

Purdue-bound Students

Graduation Pathways

Learn more about how your students can earn their high school diploma through the Indiana Department of Education's Indiana Graduation Pathways.

Create your college board account

Students and families can create an account to receive the following services:

  • Access your SAT and AP scores, and send them to colleges.

  • Register for the SAT and CLEP exams.

  • Print your SAT Admission Ticket or CLEP registration ticket.

  • Connect with college and scholarship opportunities.

  • Save and update your college list and scholarship searches.

Internships & College Experience

Are you a student looking for an internship with a local organization? Are you an organization looking for a PPHS student intern?

Email your local CCR to learn more.

Other Opportunities and Summer Jobs

Hiring positions including lifeguards, day camp counselors, cashiers, and more.