Continuous Learning Plan


Purdue Polytechnic High School - Continuous Learning Plan

Section One:  Delivery of Learning 

Describe how you will deliver continuous learning opportunities for all students, including special student populations.

Students will be served through a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities including live virtual class sessions; one-on-one meetings with teachers;  daily utilization of a proctored, online curriculum; and continued project engagement.

Student services including special education and counseling continue to be available to students.  Special education students will continue to receive services through virtual delivery of service minutes.  This may include one-on-one sessions with TOR, small group instruction, and a daily check in to ensure continued engagement.  In addition, special education students and teachers have been provided assistive technology to ensure access to the curriculum.  Related services are also being delivered virtually.  

Counseling services continue to be available to students.  The PPHS counseling staff is continuing services with virtual sessions, group meetings, and supports.  The counseling staff is also sharing resources with staff, students, and families.  


Describe how your district communicates expectations for continuous learning implementation to 1. ) students, 2.) families, and 3.) staff. 

Continuous learning implementation follows norms established in the fall of 2019 since a small number of e-learning days are part of the school’s typical operations. Initial communication occurred in-person during the regular school day and to parents during parent information sessions. Written communication occurred through email with phone call reminders.

Most recent continuous learning implementation communication has occurred and will continue to occur through email to students, families, and staff. The school website also includes a pop-up feature to share important information. Phone calls are also used to communicate important information as needed. 

A parent information night, hosted live in a virtual conference room, occurred on Tuesday, April 7, and future dates may be scheduled as warranted. 

Students also continue to participate in live virtual class sessions, and staff members continue to participate in live virtual staff meetings, which allow for face-to-face information dissemination. 


Describe student access to academic instruction, resources, and supports during continuous learning.

Students have access to their teachers through live virtual conference rooms, email, instant messenger, and phone calls during regular school hours. Live communication via virtual classroom and phone call is the preferred engagement method, but because email and instant messaging is sometimes necessary for students, protocols around response time have been established to ensure students receive timely support. This ensures academic instruction and continued individualized support is provided through this time.

Curricular resources are accessed through the Edmentum platform and through teacher-created sites in CourseNetwork and on a school-managed Google site. Student project work has been adapted to ensure all students can participate from their homes using the electronic materials provided.


What equipment and tools are available to staff and students to enable your continuous learning plan? Please list. 

Laptop computers

Internet access (via home internet or facilitated by the school as necessary)


Describe how educators and support staff are expected to connect with students and families on an ongoing basis. 

Educators will connect with both students and families through live virtual sessions, email, phone calls, and instant messaging. 


Describe your method for providing timely and meaningful academic feedback to students.

Students receive personalized support and academic feedback through one-on-one meetings and small group meetings hosted in a virtual conference room. Collaborative tools such as Google Docs allow for continued academic conversation and feedback within project rubrics and documents. Students also receive immediate feedback within the Edmentum learning platform when they complete an end-of-module, unit, or course assessment. 


Section Two:  Achievement and Attendance  

Does your continuous learning plan provide an avenue for students to earn high school credits? If so, describe the approach.

Yes, students will earn high school credit when they complete the assigned content, aligned to Indiana Academic Standards, for the content area and demonstrate mastery by earning a passing grade. Engagement and completion both are monitored, and assessments are proctored through virtual means.

Describe your attendance policy for continuous learning. 

Student attendance is taken daily by PLC coaches, and student engagement in the online curriculum is monitored through a teacher dashboard that provides student login information, time on task, and other measures of academic progress. 


Describe your long-term goals to address skill gaps for the remainder of the school year. 

Our long-term goal is to provide personalized instruction to students based on targeted data indicating skill gaps. We do this by viewing student data on a regular basis, identifying support needs, and providing one-on-one or small group instruction. 


Section Three:  Staff Development 

Describe your professional development plan for continuous learning. 

Our professional development plan for continuous learning includes the following:

  • All-staff professional development focused on best practices for e-learning
  • Professional development text provided in PDF form
  • Online discussion platform for professional conversation
  • Virtual, live meetings and collaboration time scheduled on a weekly basis
  • Regularly scheduled drop-in office hours for virtual support related to curriculum, IT, and student services